LIFE programme
The LIFE programme has the following objectives:
Help move towards a resource-efficient, low carbon and climate resilient economy, improve the quality of the environment and halt and reverse biodiversity loss
Improve the development, implementation and enforcement of EU environmental and climate policy and legislation, and act as a catalyst for, and promote, the mainstreaming of environmental and climate objectives into other policies and practices
Support better environmental and climate governance at all levels, including better involvement of civil society, NGOs and local actors
Support the implementation of the 7th environmental action plan
The LIFE integrated project in the field of nature is intended to implement the Prioritized Action Framework (PAF), a national strategy document for Natura 2000 sites. Thus, this EU funding instrument has a crucial role to play in halting the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services and promoting their restoration.
- Particular attention to the integration of nature policy into other policies, such as agriculture and rural development
- involvement in decision-making at EU level
- A wider range of biodiversity issues to be addressed
- Possibility of transnational projects
- European Commission assistance to EU member states in preparing a project application
- Nature and biodiversity
- The circular economy and quality of life
- Climate change mitigation and adaptation
- Clean energy transition