by Monika Vyšniauskienė | Nov 9, 2020
A presentation of a study of “Natura 2000” network social-economic benefits was held on 29 October 2020. An event about the study was organized online by the State Service for Protected Areas and Environmental Projects Management Agency implementing LIFE integrated...
by Monika Vyšniauskienė | Sep 28, 2020
A joint expedition took place in Labanoras Regional Park on 22-23 of September in order to inventory natural habitats and habitats of animals and plants of European importance as well as to evaluate their condition. Experts of Methodical analytical center of State...
by Monika Vyšniauskienė | Sep 21, 2020
LIFE integrated project has initiated result-based agro-environmental measure to save and protect species rich natural meadows. The result-based pilot scheme aims to enhance farmland biodiversity by remunerating farmers for maintaining and improving plant species...
by Monika Vyšniauskienė | Sep 1, 2020
Extensive grazing has been started to use in Aukstaitija National Park as a measure to restore natural habitats of European Community importance in peninsula of Pabirze. According to an old tradition, cattle were sailed from the local village Meironys to pasture in...
by Justė Samkienė | Aug 13, 2019
On the 7-9th August, Lithuania, the annual meeting of the heads of Baltic nature conservation institutions took place, this year focusing on LIFE Integrated projects. The event was hosted by State Service for Protected Areas and Environmental Projects Management...
by Giedrius Švitra | Sep 20, 2018
With the beginning of autumn and the start of mushroom picking season, Naturalit project team from EPMA and SSPA together with colleagues from Sirvėta regional park went to expedition. Its main purpose was to search for Oxyporus mannerheimii. An extremely rare species...